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Just some things you might want to know about me


My life has been riddled with Highs and Lows, which led me to seek out God and was saved at the age of sixteen. A time when I needed to know that I was loved and had a Savior. God was so precious to put this unwanted teen in a very loving job at Chick-fil-a. I worked with some very on-fire Christian teens that challenged me, challenged what I believed and challenged my heart. So much gratitude to Brett Redfern, who loved God so much that his light of who God is was shown through every pore of his being That was the cornerstone that helped me get on the road to an incredible journey with God. He would probably never know that but it was so true.


After that I started college and my life. The typical life of your 20’s things were pretty much like "normal" except that my love for God grew leaps and bounds. God led me to become a Youth Pastor in a small church in Nashville, TN. Through that position and a variety of events, I would start a career in the Christian Music Industry. What a great opportunity that God walked me through. I was able to work with many different artists and Industry people that I highly esteem.


In 1992 I married my wonderful husband Dean, who is a Pastor and then in 1996 our only child Olivia was born. By April of 2000 we found out that Olivia had Cystic Fibroses and would need a liver transplant. Over the next 10 years she would not only have one transplant but she would spend most of her time in the hospital and then endure another transplant in 2010. We would move from Nashville, to Atlanta, GA to be closer to Olivia’s hospital and Doctors.


Things have always been up and down. In 2003 Mom was diagnosed with cancer and by 2004 would go home to be with the Lord. The next year we would have another devastation, Dean would lose his Step-Dad, Mom and sister in a single car accident. All in midst of this, Olivia was getting so much sicker and on the path of needing a second transplant.  Om 2010 she had her second transplant, which has gone much better than the first.


Finally, in June of 2014, I would collapse and have a very life threatening event. I had a stroke, open heart surgery and endocarditis. I should have died several times through that event. I had to start over to learn to eat, walk, move, things we take for granted every day.


So, this is my life. But the best part is a life sustained and bed rocked with a relationship with God. People say I have great faith. I am not sure that is true. What I have is a God that is my Dad. That loves me, cares for me, and holds me in the palm of His hand. So these stories are about who God is in my life. I only have my testimony of what He has done in my life but maybe, it will give you some encouragement and strength in your life. Much like Brett did for me.


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